My teaching philosophy falls within the parameters of constructivism, where the role of the educator is that of facilitator of knowledge creation as opposed to a fountain of authority and wisdom. In the context of my area, I understand knowledge creation as a variety of publicly available online activities based on content production, aggregation, and curation. The processes of production, aggregation and curation on the open net are the key elements of professional media practice, and involve continuous and iterative feedback loops entangled with iterative reflection.
My courses, assessments, and learning outcomes are focused on self-driven learning practice organized around publicly available digital artefacts and the open source work model of release early/release often. I explain these concepts in the mini-lectures below:
Developing Digital Artefacts
Fail Early, Fail Often #fefo
Fast, Inexpensive, Simple, Tiny #fist
At The University of Sydney [present]:
ARIN6906 Emerging Technologies and Issues
At the University of Nottingham in Ningbo, China [2022-2023]:
INCM1032 Communication and Technology INCM1030 Communication and Culture INCM4111 Digital Cultures
At the University of Wollongong [2011-2021]:
BCM112 Emergent Media BCM114 Making Media BCM206 Future Networks BCM302 Advanced Digital Media Project
My BCM112 Emergent Media lectures can be found on this playlist or, alternatively through the embed below:
My BCM114 Making Media lectures can be found on this playlist or, alternatively through the embed below:
My BCM206 Future Networks lectures can be found on this playlist or, alternatively through the embed below:
My BCM302 Advanced Media Project lectures can be found on this playlist or, alternatively through the embed below:
In my previous academic incarnations I have also taught at Curtin University of Technology [2004-2010], and University of Western Australia [2009-2010], where I covered a wide range of subjects within digital media and communication studies. The list below includes subjects I’ve thought and coordinated before, delivered across three universities as well as partially or wholly online.
DIGC310 Digital Game Cultures
COMM1101 Human Technology: Debating Communication
MCAA104 Engaging Media
NET204 Internet Communities and Social Networks
NET206/506 Web Publishing
NET395 Network Culture and the Virtual Society
New Media Narratives 310
NET505 Current Issues and Developments in ICTs