My name is Teodor Mitew, and this is my list of flaneur musings, in no particular order, on no particular topic. Like Scaramouche, I was born with the feeling that the world is mad, facilitated by being Polish/Bulgarian in a region and time of transition. I lived through and remember well the collapse of communism, witnessed the birth of what comes after, and took as much as I could from the tuition.
I have far too many interests and far too little time to indulge them all.
I earned my Master of Arts degree at the turn of the millennium in the area of philosophy of history from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. My interest in complex systems was the result of attending a series of lectures on the Austrian School from Georgetown University, shortly thereafter in Prague. While working in Singapore I combined that with a Diploma in Computer Studies, and followed it with a PhD in Internet Studies from Curtin University of Technology, focusing on actor network theory.
I have worked in academia for well over a decade, teaching my own mix of emergent media, actor network theory, McLuhan and philosophy of technology. My research is focused on the internet of things, information warfare, and distributed networks. Currently, I am a Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Communication at the University of Sydney.
As a flaneur, I am passionate about ancient and medieval history and mythology, and practice barebones archery. I live on the Outer Rim, between the ocean and a mountain.